Arms & Hands Lab

We are here to serve you when you need us most.

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Our lab is designed to help you to improve your grip strength, strengthen your wrist, and improve hand dexterity, with our state of the art equipment with our cutting-edge technology, you can improve your strength, hand eye coordination and dexterity like never before.

You’ll be able to gain more control over your body movements, prevent fatigue and injury and even boost overall body performance. Our unique lab provides an immessive experience that will help you to reach your goals in time. This lab is facilitated by team of expert profesisonals in field of rehabilitation and medical scieneces. Our team includes but not only limited to Occupational therapist, Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation therapist, Speech Therapist, Educator, vocational Counsellor, Behaviour therapist, Psychologist, and others.

Need some advice from our experts?

We will make a single attempt to contact you from a withheld number, usually within 24 hours of your request.

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